The Ministries of Excellence [MOE] is a compilation of ministries designed to fulfill the vision of our leader, Bishop Oscar E. Brown and the First Mt. Olive Freewill Baptist Church [FMO]. This is accomplished through community and church-wide events and programming that meet the needs of our members and the community at large. It is our desire that each member of FMO feels a desire to join a ministry. We welcome all to share his/her gifts, cheerfully serve with commitment, and “Empower People To Wholeness!

Bishop Oscar E. Brown, M.Div., D.D.
Senior Pastor
Elder Ava Livas
Director of Ministries

Welcoming you to find your place in ministry!

Ambassador Ministry

Ministry Director: Sister Sharon Purcell

Ministry Mission: To be a resource driven ministry supporting and augmenting active FMO ministries to achieve and fulfill works in God’s Kingdom.

Church Anniversary

Ministry Director: Brother Robert White

Ministry Mission: To bring honor and glory to God for His commitment to the people of God by celebrating, commemorating, and memorializing the work of the church and her history.


Ministry Director: Deacon Carnitra White

Ministry Mission: To provide the ministries, members, and guests of the First Mt. Olive Freewill Baptist Church with information in a timely and succinct manner.


Ministry Directors: Sister Shakeya Rouse

Ministry Mission: To provide culinary services in an atmosphere conducive to the work of ministry and/or Christian fellowship.

Family Empowerment

Ministry Directors: Brother Fitzhugh & Sister Chineta Alford

Ministry Mission: To highlight, nurture, support, and celebrate the family unit.

Flower Circle

Ministry Director: Sister Rosalind Wiley

Ministry Mission: To act as the service provider of flowers for all ministries and occasions as requested.


Ministry Director: Sister Karen Dove

Ministry Mission: To greet and serve members and guests in a manner consistent with the Fruit of the Spirit.

Men's Ministry

Ministry Directors: Deacon Avery Muse and Deacon John Livas

Ministry Mission: To empower the men of God to fulfill their God-given purpose and calling.

Myrtle Gray Health & Wellness

Ministry Director: Minister Tanya Deshields

Ministry Mission: To promote optimal individual and community wellness by providing holistic health care services, health education, and outreach.

Myrtle Summers Outreach Ministry

Ministry Director: Deacon Denise Pumphrey

Ministry Mission: To minister to the personal and sometimes complex needs of members of the church and the community at-large.

New Members Ministry

Ministry Directors: Deacon Garland & Minister Paula Thomas

Ministry Mission: To support the spiritual growth of new members through instruction on salvation, sanctification, and glorification of God.

Reach Out & Touch

Ministry Director: Mother Margo Lawson

Ministry Mission: To reconnect and encourage God’s people to the local assembly through written correspondence, phone calls, and the use of technology.


Ministry Director: Brother Dominic Lewis

Ministry Mission: To provide a safe and secure environment for the members and visitors before, during, and after worship service and other ministry-related events.


Ministry Director: Sister Tynetta Miller

Ministry Mission: To encourage wellness among God’s people through physical fitness.

Traffic Enforcement

Ministry Directors: Brother Bobby Moore

Ministry Mission: To manage parking and traffic to people with attention to service, safety, and protocol.


Ministry Director: Sister Patryce Campbell

Ministry Mission: To transport members and visitors to worship services and other ministry-related activities with attention to timeliness, safety, and quality of service.


Ministry Director: Deacon Cheryl Williams

Ministry Mission: To research, plan, and coordinate fun, safe, and affordable opportunities for travel locally and abroad.


Ministry Directors: Sister Patricia Coleman & Deacon Royal Hines

Ministry Mission: To strive to provide an atmosphere supportive of ushering in the Spirit of God and the winning of souls through behaviors reflective of the love of Christ.

Wedding Planning

Ministry Director: Deacon Stephanie Riddick

Ministry Mission: To support engaged and married couples as they prepare for their nuptials and a subsequent life together in matrimony.

Women's Ministry

Ministry Directors: Lady Jacqueline D. Brown and Sister Connie Greene

Ministry Mission: To encourage women to live a virtuous lifestyle and to fulfill their God-given purpose by embracing and supporting others.